2006 Awards... Day three

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 December 2006 10:35:21

...I have been a year ahead of myself, and now I am a day behind... I can't win!

I will do a quick top 5, and a proper one when I get home...

Favourite texas hold'em starting poker hands of 2006

5. J 10 suited - better than Q 10 really, the straight when it hits is impossible for others to guess.
4. AA - Who doesn't like this hand, would be higher if it were not for a certain incident with this hand at the Exeter Poker Club. (I will try and get along to a game soon guys, by the way!)
3. Pair of 10s - almost no one can predict what you have when another 10 comes on the board.
2. Q 10 Suited - amazing luck with this hand recently!
1. AK - and the satisfaction of hitting an ace and beating KK!