Romantic poetry...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 14 February 2007 13:22:41

...actually not romantic at all, but you can generate a web page linked random poem at this site. Here is the Random Wiblog poem (edited down, because it was long, and quite frankly made little sense...)

I have a public library,
They printed the shock
that someone else
is a demented mouse
at the slightly Random moments.

As Suetonius just has
a distraction from a clearer happier outlook
on less money,
but is well below bleak.
The staff in Exeter
are a woollen bobble hat,
and beer randomly discussed.

No maths involved,
they varied from Canonteign
and then to all wrong types of place.
Roman historians in a few amazing
shots of the weblog of the spot,
she should do so far, she will go far.