French Cheeses...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 17 March 2007 14:24:13

...Managed to summon up the energy to play poker last night, but not well, I lost £3.60. Was worth it for the entertainment value alone, once Dennis had left I was the only sober one there, which meant I could make weak puns and get an appreciative audience (well, reasonably...)

Back at work today, but managed to read another chunk of the book yesterday, managed to drag up another memory, or rather conquer a fear... I will reveal all soon, I promise, I just feel the need to finish the book first!

Also found time to watch another Eric Rohmer film The Green ray. I really do like his naturalistic style of film making a lot and have put more of his films on my rentals list. This one was not as good as the other one, but still interesting. Again the central character was a young woman trying to find a place in life, but this time was more about fate and physical place. Again the central character was hard to like and bizzare music was back, but this time in a minimilist string form.