
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 22 April 2007 19:52:26

...After the rather lazy day at work we went to Steve and Sarahs for a BBQ, which was very nice, and watched Brick again, I enjoyed it second time, but not sure what other people made of it though.

Saturday evening was poker at Joe and Naddies, my first game while drinking for a very long time, but I did OK, today have had a slow day, feeding my parents cat while they are away and keeping her company for a few hours, reading the millions of Observer suppliments and reformatting my MP3 player and putting a completly different selection on it for a change.

Tomorrow I havea lot of catching up to do on the reading front, so i may retreat on one of the libraries to aid my concentration and minimise internet distractions!

Sadie Sadie fence