Crazy letters...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 17 May 2007 10:02:32

...The shop I work in is often sent letters advertising self published books, most of these go straight in the bin. However, for nearly 20 years the shop has been receiving letters from a troubled soul who feels his book has been overlooked, and indeed "blocked by the clergy". He states that his editor (whom I suspect may be the same person as the writer) said that it "Could well have been the book of the Century". In previous letters he has mantioned how the staff at Exeter Cathedral tried to slip him up on the floor by putting soap down (very slapstick indeed).

This is my favourite bit from todays letter, totally out of context, but actually context is of no real importance when reading his letters.

" the afternoon I saw a certain bishop dancing pathetically like a maniac with his camera on Newton Abbot station. What a fatuous and irresponsible way to carry on!"