The women here will understand...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 31 December 1969 23:59:59

Went to doctors today for a repeat of that certain "S" test that we all hate so much.

The nurse explained what went wrong the first time - why I was called back. Simple really and nothing to worry about.

Lay back and...

Then she broke it to me that this test may not be clear for the same reason as the previous one and I'm lying there thinking "why the hell are you carrying on with it then?".

Let's hope they've got what they wanted otherwise in 3 months time...

Got home and I'd just curled up for a nap when a friend I have not seen for years called me for a chat. She's coming over tomorrow for a mutual friend's 40th birthday "tea" and she's making the cake. Got chatting, and chatting and chatting and...

That's the good thing about friends - you just fall back into the conversation as if you've never left each other's company.

Spent the remainder of this afternoon asleep under the duvet - and I'm now feeling rested. I think it will take a while for this post viral thingy to work it's way out of my system. Friends keep nagging me to rest - I must pay attention and stop fighting. I've decided to stop pretending that I'm OK and that things can carry on as they were. I'm now on sabbatical from church rotas and I should view this sick leave as being on sabbatical from w*rk.

Still - a girl has to enjoy herself even when "resting". The 40th birthday boy has organised a do for himself at a local tapas bar - he doesn't know about tomorrow. Should be good fun.