If it isn't one thing...

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Date: 28 May 2003 18:25:19

Phoned agency this morning and said I wasn't going in. They were not happy (expected) and gave the usual cr*p about upsetting the client and putting them in a difficult position. Tough - in my life I come first not the company I w*rk for.

Now I have to tackle those jobseeker forms.

Landlord had a chat with me before the family left for a short holiday in Scotland. Seems the house sale is going through and it is more likely to be THIS August rather than next.

So now I have to find somewhere to live - and with no money in London that is impossible.

They have promised me that I will not be homeless, but I guess it is time I moved on. I have become very comfortable here.

Landlord did say that he thought it better for me to be looking for permanent w*rk rather than go on the temp treadmill again (despite promises agencies never put you forward for permanent w*rk if you are in a temp position with them cos you earn them more money temping.)

Oh well - I could sit and cry that yet more shit has hit the fan but I'm not.

I think God is moving and He's giving me a big hint to get going.

I don't know where - but I know it will be soon.