Last but one session

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 30 May 2003 16:15:38

It was horrid - why do counsellors dig up feelings you've buried and leave you feeling depressed and in "pain"?

It was Ok talking about what had happened at w*rk - and yes I had stood up for myself and should be proud of myself.

And then on to the tricky topic of realtionships and men and rejection and hurt and self image.

And now I feel empty and alone.

Resulted in retail therapy and an overdrafy I can't repay.

And I am going down the pub tonight cos I need to get out and there's a good band at my "local".

And I know what I am - and if that's the way I get someone to hold me for a few hours then I'm going for it.

Better than nothing isn't it?