The morning after the night before

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 31 May 2003 05:08:35

I've woken up early - unusual for me.

The band were good, and the atmosphere fantastic. Only had 3 pints of Fuller's Honeydew, but smoked far too many cigarettes. I must give up (again).

Luckily for myself I stayed in the company of friends - although there were a couple of "interested" guys. I think it's the pink hair. Wasn't interested in them though - made me laugh hearing them behind me discussing the attributes of every female over half their age. Get real guys, they were out of your league.

Strangely I haven't a headache - that was last night with the humidity and heat in the pub and the noise and the fact I hadn't eaten anything since 11.30am. My stomach is rumbling.

Think I'll go back to bed and try for more sleep.