This is all very well, but...

Categories: not-well

Date: 04 December 2008 16:36:09

I'm getting bored now. Whatever bug this is that is lingering in my system can pack it's bags and go away. You have overstayed your welcome by about five days.

I've had several attempts at doing some work, but have been so woolly headed, I'm only going to have to re-do it. Reading is restricted to a few pages at a time, either books or blogs. Music is non-stop gentle classical. (Bach's Cello Suites for now...)

All I seem to be managing successfully is a morning nap, an afternoon nap, an evening nap, and a full eight to ten hours sleep every night.

I have an ominous feeling this is a deliberate ploy on God's part to get me to stop... and my body is co-operating even if my brain doesn't want to in the slightest.