's not fair!!

Categories: not-well

Date: 18 July 2010 19:23:19

Mental and emotional energy have returned, along with motivation, and enthusiasm...

Physical energy has plummeted to rock bottom, however, and I am horribly suspicious that by morning I will have a ricochetting temperature, and achy all over symptoms. I've hints of both now. Alas, this occasionally happens after a period of emotional stress - that clears, and my body informs me it needs a rest, and does it the only way it knows, by getting ill.

I thought I'd managed to side-step it by having had a fairly lazy three days, and thought this afternoon's long nap was quite unjustified, even after the provocation of "Walk in the Light" sung way too slowly, and so painfully correctly according to the musical notation.

Ah well, I've taken all the necessary precautions, and just hope it's cleared enough by the morning.