That was a bit of a mistake.

Categories: church

Date: 02 June 2010 14:44:27

I woke up at a reasonable hour this morning, and thought "I'll go to the mid-week Communion service! I've not been to "my" church for a few weeks as I've been playing elsewhere." Worked well, I thought... get the house sorted, go to church, get the shopping, relax before cooking for the evening's guest...

Alas, I got treated to a full length sermon, (on a Wednesday! on a Day in Ordinary Time!) as well as Book of Common Prayer Communion (I can cope with the latter, but prefer not to have to,) as well as halving the average age of the congregation. Now, I guess this priest, who was unknown to me, was aiming his words at the regular congregation, who he obviously knew, but talk of stereophonic music systems, 1940s children's books, and quite a patronising tone of voice as he explained the Trinity as if no-one knew what the concept was (which puzzled me) did little for me. It certainly won't inspire me to go to mid-week services again if that's the norm.

Which is a shame, because I like small, quiet mid-week services and, now I'm getting my going to church mojo back, I would like to go to them more regularly, definitely in holiday times. But I'm not wasting half a morning being irritated...