It's all happening

Categories: life, house

Date: 19 December 2009 21:40:55

Looks like my preferred plan for work after Christmas may be possible, after all. I’m pleased for me, but also very sad, because other friends in the same field of work are losing their jobs very suddenly, just before Christmas. I was also offered more work at the other place as well this week. Which, if Plan A really doesn’t happen, I will accept, and resign myself to the nasty commute four days a week, rather than only once, or twice.

Then, I came home to no heat, no hot water, and when I went to investigate, and gingerly turned a tap or two, water poured from places water shouldn’t have been pouring from. Various taps have been turned off, hastily, and Nice Mr Gas Installation Man will come and see what’s what tomorrow. And, I’ve now dried out.

I so enjoyed yesterday evening just chatting to friends I’ve not spoken to properly for ages... I am hopeful the slight phone phobia I was developing may well be cured.

I was going to be brave and investigate a new church tomorrow, but I think staying in for Nice Mr Gas Installation Man tomorrow is more important.