Time to stop.

Categories: life, housework

Date: 26 September 2009 19:38:51

The trouble with my new routine is, um, there's not a lot of routine. I'm busy most days, every day is different, Friday is the busiest, and by Friday night I'm totally exhausted.

Partly it's due to the fact I've never been good at mornings, but have to be up and out a lot earlier than I've ever had to be in my life before. Partly it's due to a whole heap of unsettlednesses. I'm happy where I am, I'm happy to be doing what I'm doing and it's beginning to come together, but nothing is settled. A friend called this evening and got excited about possibly coming to stay after Christmas - I had to break it to her I had no clue where I'd be!

So, what do I do on a day off - I wake up way too early, I get totally over-domesticated, and spend all day cleaning, washing, window cleaning, getting a quick music rehearsal done for tomorrow, and gathering a headache.

I definitely need to plan some time that's just for me, and not get sucked back into feeling I've got to be seen to be doing something useful for other people all the time!!

So, I'm going to shut this down, go back to bed, to see if sleep shakes off this headache, and not do anything that resembles work of any description tomorrow!