Silly Season is upon me...

Categories: work, random

Date: 26 June 2009 16:59:12

The next fortnight looks ridiculously busy, on paper. I know, I've just written it all down. It's one of those times if I don't have a timetable on my wall, I'm apt to go horribly wrong. It's not quite as bad as it looks, though, as for some of it I'll just be sitting patiently, to do my little bit, then sneak out again!

I do wish ordination season was better organised, though. I think I'm kind of grateful they're all roughly in the same direction, and not opposite ends of the county this year.

Then, it's preparation time for the children's holiday work stuff... This year, I am not getting dressed up as any character at all, for which I am truly and deeply grateful. I cannot guarantee I won't end up either soaking wet, or smothered with shaving foam or some other delightfully childish substance, at some point, though.

It perturbs me that of all the things I could have remembered easily on a health and safety test after a three hour session, the one thing that seems to have stuck in my brain is the date of the Manual Handling Regulations. (1992).