Surreal Week....

Categories: life, decisions, friends

Date: 27 March 2009 18:39:24

when matters occupying my mind have been somewhat even more diverse and varied than usual.

I have been envisaging Fairtrade stalls the world over stocking up on these and contemplating their introduction to my own Fairtrade selling (not in my local church). Well, I already sell chocolates and jewellery. Thanks Ferijen for alerting me to their existence! The thought of my own church stall selling such items was too much for my imagination and is in the "I am not even thinking about it!" category.

Then, it's been the Feast of the Annunciation, and the annual opportunity to take Our Lady for a walk in the local streets. It's done for another year. Maybe next year is definitely the year we introduce elephants...

Devious means of getting brownies to me from 130 miles away have been devised. Yummy!!

My line manager's line manager discovered a whole new side of me yesterday. She may never recover! My line manager may never recover, either. She, however, had inklings about this side of me. On the other hand, the payroll department is still giggling, apparently. That can only be a good thing.

July is going to be a very busy month.

Methinks it's time for tea.