Conspiracy Theory

Categories: life, decisions, procrastination-techniques

Date: 18 January 2009 22:38:11

There is a conspiracy, I tell you.

There are several conspiracies.

When I am trying to lose weight, eat healthily, only at meal times, take more exercise (well, try and walk to and from things more and not accept every offer of a lift) etc. it stubbornly refuses to shift. Today, after a six week spell of giving up completely, and eating or not as I felt like it, I appear to have lost just over a stone.

Then there is the "Interesting Projects" all arriving at once. Especially the ones that I'd love to say yes to, but know I can't.

There is the Brown Sock Conspiracy... closely related to the Lost and Odd Sock Gremlins that lurk by the laundry bags and the washing machine.

There is the Circles and Spirals and Spirograph pictures of my Inner Being conspiracy. Humph. (Don't worry... I'm not going completely mad here, but I was describing some of the stuff that's going on in my head and my life as being very circular, that I seem to be re-visiting a whole heap of things I thought I'd dealt with, in a whole different way, and somehow, we got on to describing it as like Spirograph pictures.? And then, how do I spiral out of it all....)

Now, all I need to pray about is that the train from City of Residence to Larger City about an hour away is running on time tomorrow!