How could I forget?!

Categories: church, saints

Date: 13 January 2009 17:21:58

I've been living South for too long, is all I can say.

I go to a weekday Eucharist most Tuesdays. I do so today, and the priest did his usual spiel about the commemorations for the day. I was only half listening, because I'd remembered Hilary, and vaguely George Fox, because they caught my eye at Morning Prayer this morning. But......

But, how could I forget Kentigern, (or Mungo). I used to go to a St Kentigern's church, I used to live in Glasgow, for goodness sake. I have a virtual calendar in my head of what seems like thousands of obscure saints and commemorations.

My head is hanging in shame, and I deserve numerous penances. Or at least the mercies of the good St Kentigern and my fellow Glaswegians.