Dismantling the piano

Categories: music, work

Date: 18 December 2008 11:54:05

was this morning's somewhat unexpected activity.

You see, I was playing for the Foundation Stage and Key Stage One Assembly. They get a little over enthusiastic, and rush unless I'm really loud. It's difficult to be really loud at this piano. The piano top is locked with an Allen Key and I can never find one when I need it in a rush. And, it didn't really help last time we had this problem.

So, I looked at the piano under the keyboard, and the front panel there was removable. So, I removed it.

The sound carried beautifully!

I remantled it.... But will dismantle it again for this afternoon's performance. For which I will have all the correct music and the script, and won't be making it up as I go along. It's a dangerous thing packing my bag the night before, I never get it right.

I think the innkeeper, age 6, had the right idea. Every time more visitors arrived to see Baby Jesus, he pointed them in the right direction, pointed out it was the middle of night, and he was going back to bed. It's where I've been since I came back. (I only work on a sessional basis, and I wasn't going to waste three hours between morning and afternoon performance.)