of employment and tap sets

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 10 July 2008 10:09:26

I am fully employed ... yet I put a job application in the mail today. I guess I kinda figured why not? It's the job I talked about back on 02/07 ...

anyway, guess we'll see ... if it's the job for me we'll find out soon enough, if not I'm good where I am ... for now.

I'm going through one of my periodic desk clear felling episodes ... ie no more piles, no more 'toaster rack' full of things 'to get to', no more things in drawers, it's all getting done, finished, moved on, put away, or thrown out. I'm finalising procedures and writing up my job calendar .... so if I leave it's all done, if I don't leave I'll be SUPER organised and probably won't actually have to think for the rest of the year.

I found the taps I'd like for our house yesterday .... and also some sinks (and got prices on those). You have to hunt hard to find the sinks ... I like sinks with a draining board on both sides, and the majority of sinks you see these days only have a draining board on one side ... I guess that's because most people have dishwashers and do little washing up? WE will have a dishwasher ... but we'll also be on tank water, and things will be air drying ... and it's a good place for messy prep work when cooking as well .... anyway, smaller houses as well I guess, and ours is going to be large ... not full of rooms but very spacious.

It's all fun!