Of Fathers Day and Bushfires in Oz

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Date: 03 September 2006 04:49:07

It's FAthers Day and I've come down to the farm for the day (bad space bar again,sorry!) ... handed out present, been to church (sermon on marriage, very funny), had lunch (Thai), just about to have coffee.... bip bip bip

Parents pager going nuts

grass/bushfire **** respond

which means that at 1:30pm parents got message, 1:35pm parents in full firefighting gear were hurtling through the gate and off up the road in the truck to meet the rest of their rural brigade to go fight the fire

PS it's a VERY windy day ... not great for grassfires

You will get used to bushfire news from Oz this year ... predictions of an El Nino event, on top of one two years ago, and the extreme lack of rain (Victoria and TASmania have had their driest winters on RECORD) + predictions of extreme fire danger this year means that the expression "THe State's a Tinderbox" is going to be one of our most common ...