of firefighting

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 22 November 2006 01:51:38

well, no answer at home to the last two phone calls, so that means dad has been called out to the Wollondilly Fires, behind Berrima and Canyonleigh, in the Southern Highlands.

It's not massive, 'Only' covers 600ha at this point (the one in the Blueys, as we call the Blue Mountains, has joined and spread and now covers an area of 14500ha), but still, it's bad firefighting weather, hot, dry, and windy, with NOT ONE SINGLE DROP OF RAIN in sight.

prayers for rain and calm conditions muchly appreciated by the 75 firefighters on the Wollongdilly and the 400+ now on the fire in the Blueys ... not to mention the others raging around Australia at this point.

Check this site - http://sentinel.ga.gov.au/acres/sentinel/index.shtml - if you want an idea of how extensive the fires are at this point.