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Date: 12 January 2005 12:00:56

I take it you like it then? I quite fancy 'pegs' myself - reminds me of my stripey 'shipmeet' cardi. I may experiment; (watch this space!)

Ms M returned from Denmark in one piece despite the worst storms they've had over there for years. A good time was had by all, apparently. I'm uncertain as to whether much work was produced for the portfolio; sightseeing being largely confined to clubs and pubs, especially the Irish one! Still, she had a break, which is the main thing.

Meanwhile, Mr M has had to drop out of the trip to see 'One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest' tonight. Another of Ms Miff's friends has stepped in at the last moment. He's had a couple of bad nights, sleepwise. I don't know why I should feel so surprised; he's had similar problems for the last couple of years. I suppose with the sale of the house finally completed, some of his worries might have eased. But then, maybe it's only now, when he's got a chance to breathe, that the full impact of his father's death and Mum and sister's illnesses are beginning to hit. And short term, I don't think it's entirely coincidental that the current bout of insomnia has manifested itself just before we're due to go up to visit MIL and sister after a couple of week's break. SIL and the home have been on the phone again asking if she can go over her daily cigarrette allowance. And this after the agreement they asked us to sign a few months back. So much for trying to avoid one party manipulating the other. Two steps forward and one step back.

Interesting talk by the Bishop last night based I gather (I've not read the book myself) very much along the principles laid out in the 'Mission-Shaped Church.' http://www.chpublishing.co.uk/feature.asp?id=68527. Cynical old misery guts that I am, I generally tend to dismiss this kind of concept as yet another flash in the pan, here today, gone tomorrow set up. Yet as we were discussing what our individual 'networks' were, I began to feel what's likely the first flash of let's not say 'enthusiasm' , ( I am Anglican after all!), but interest for over a year. Especially as one of the practical examples of reaching out he gave us was the very one I've been mulling over for ages, but keep getting cold feet when the time comes to actually do something about it. I'm due to raise the subject at a meeting later this week, so folks, I'd appreciate some gentle words (a boot) on Thursday please! I feel like Jack (of Beanstalk fame) in our local panto asking for encouragement whenever he wavered and wobbled. So please folks, if I start to let life drag me down, just yell 'GO FOR IT!!' at me. Thanks!

To return to the subject of lack of enthusiasm, I do think we're overlooking an obvious weapon in the Anglican armoury here. A sure fire way to ensure 100% attendance at any churchy event is to utter those magic words: 'The Bishop will be here.' And hey presto; folk are trampling the doors down! He could be talking about the cosmic significance of agricultural practices in the Apocrypha; it wouldn't matter. Standing room only. Another attraction, I've noticed, is that at such events, the powers that be recklessly pull out all the stops and we're offered....wait for it...tea or coffee! Now, who could resist such an offer!

Seriously though, I've decided that our Bishop is what I've termed 'a new Bishop.' (Well, he is new). Maybe it's just me that's got a jaundiced view of Anglican 'VIPs?' Those that I've encountered before at the previous church I belonged to (at one point there seemed to be a constant stream of men in funny hats processing up the aisle) were in the main elderly, tall, cadaverous and tended to speak in sonerous, deadpan tones, a mere whiff of which was guaranteed to send you off to sleep. 'In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of......' zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. The current model however is little, bouncy, enthusiastic and best of all you don't appear to need a degree in theology to understand him. Three cheers! He has my full support. (As long as he doesn't expect us to engage in'meaningful dialogue' re 'Jerry Springer the Opera!'