'What if' and 'If only'

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 08 January 2006 22:40:02

I'm trying to avoid these as much as possible. By the time you get to my advanced (!) age, time's too short to waste time with regrets - or so I'm trying to convince myself. However, I've just finished writing up my journal, sparked in part by http://www.wibsite.com/wiblog/jackthelass/read.php?14187 Jack's thoughts about Things I Wish I'd told my 15 Year Old Self. Well, I'm not even going to go near that one, (too painful - plus I've already passed that way a few years back). No, my advice, especially on the faith front would be to my 20, 30 AND 40 Year old self! (Some of us are terribly slow learners!). As I said, I'm not intending to throw the baby out with the bathwater. It's taken me a long time to mature (does one ever?!) to the stage when things aren't simply black/white, right/wrong. I can begin to live with the shades of grey now. And even longer to even begin to look for the good in even the most painful of situations. But...and this is a big 'but,' I'm realising that sometime I might just need to have a careful, objective gaze back over some times on my faith journey and maybe face up to the fact that there might have been occasions when things that I thought were of God....may not have been. And more daunting - to look at where they were coming from and why.

Yup - life's complicated. Jack, I think I'd make the giving of your advice mandatory to every seeker/new Christian/ starry-eyed Alpha graduate. To quote John 4: 'If you only knew...'

On that profound note - night, night.

And no - I've NOT been drinking. Much.