Nothing like a spot of archiving

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 18 January 2006 22:08:24

And not before time I hear you say. All those Flylady reminders must have had some effect; my in-box is certainly much less cluttered since I 'forgot' to resubscribe after we got back from hols!

It's recently been drawn to my attention ;) that folk are linking to 'Musings' via another site that I frequent. (Not 'The Blogdom of God.' - who rated me 37505'th on their listings and, if I remember rightly, classed me as some kind of lower life form) :( No, this other is an offshoot of the Christian forum that got me started on all this internet business the best part of five years ago (5 years!!? Eeek! All those wasted hours!). It's gone through several changes, splits etc since (just like the good old C of E really ;)) and I've not had that much to do with it of late. But it's quite nice sometimes to pop in and see some of the old, familiar faces from way back. Strange, really, how huge cyberspace appears, and yet, as IRL (as they say) 'it's a small world.'

Of course now I shall need to clean up my act. Polish my pensees. Mystify my musings. Sharpen my solilouquoys (and my spelling!).

So I must be off and get on with a spot of adultery*. A thousand words worth of, to be precise. I expect to see a veritable flurry of 'Miffy Go For Its' in my comments box when next I log on. Or in your case, M, some gentle 'negging.' Let's see if I can get it wrapped up in a week, max.

Accountablility, nothing like it! ;)

* To clear up any misapprehensions - and to avoid expulsion from wibdom forthwith; some of you may remember that I'm currently doing some distance learning theology and am partway through an ethics unit.