
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 03 May 2006 20:01:12

It's not fair, again! After a whole winter of cough freeness, the dreaded slime monster has come to call. Hardly any sleep last night, and getting up as usual in the wee small hours was ... 'interesting.' No chance to do my usual catch up as little Miff had a physio first thing, and I spent most of the rest of the day trailing round stocking up on antihistamines and searching out anti allergen wipes for Ms Miffy, who's developed an allergy to Viking Cat.

I have unashamedly avoided the ironing mountain, spending a sunny half hour outside with said cat and his fishing pole toy. And catnip bubble blowing kit.

And for the last hour I've been checking out allergy products. (Had to order them online in the end), drinking a glass of wine (on top of the Benylin) and (shamefaced) listening to 'Abba Gold.' No, in case you're getting all excited; NOT the latest Jesus is my boyfriend ballad. Classic Seventies Kisch!

Now... I wonder where I can find 'The Wombles Greatest Hits?'