Hope you enjoyed him

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Date: 05 May 2006 20:43:49

Viking Cat, I meant. Apologies for lack of text there. I was busy doing a Flickr demo for Mr Miff. Who is delighted at seeing his jacuzzi imortalised for all of cyberspace to see.

Whilst on the subject, it appears that Ms Miff isn't allergic to Viking after all. The pollen count has been quite high this week, and when you combine that with extreme exhaustion due to overwork and burning the candle at both ends in celebration of her college place, it's no wonder she felt woozy. So much so that she passed out yesterday morning on arrival in The Other City and had to take the next train back home. A visit to the practice nurse elicited the info that due to the short interval between exposure and turning into a walking advert for antihistamine use, she was unlikely to be reacting to cat dander and saliva (Fel dl if you're of a scientific bent). Unfortunately, in the interval between turning into a walking advert and visiting the nurse, I'd stocked up on anti-allergy wipes, ordered two bottles of special lotion, and given the ground floor of Maison Miffy a cleaning it's never seen before or since. Never mind - it's as well to be prepared, and we can always use it on little Miff's gerbil, which she is most definitely allergic to.

Meanwhile, Viking Cat is making himself at home. His main activity appears to be (guess what?) sleeping! A Good 15 hours a day, I reckon. What wouldn't I give to have that much shuteye! The dog gives him a wide berth, albeit their relationship so far has been fairly distant. No curling up together as with the late lamented Miffcat. This may just be something to do with the fact that Viking is built like a furry tank and can produce a toothy snarl guaranteed to stop the most stroppy mutt dead in his tracks. Though to be fair, the cat is still feeling his way, being generally hesitant about moving from one place to the other without an escort. Except at night, when he's taken to wandering round mewing piteously and knocking on our bedroom door at dawn. This doesn't bother me, as I have to be up anyway for work. And I'm sure Mr Miff can do with a furry waterbottle once I've left.