High Tide

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Date: 07 September 2002 02:00:00


Geography field trip - driving to school through really impressive rain I realised it didn't matter whether I ended up in the sea or not I was going to be soaked. Was quite looking forward to it actually - best thing about field work is getting wet - trouble is, as a teacher, it is hard to appear dignified while jumping waves. Those who know me realised that dignity is my entire being!

It failed to rain that hard once we were actually there though.

Just imagine 31 15 year olds running around with spears (we call them ranging poles) walking a mile further than we should have done because we were taken to the wrong car park. We got to the point we should have been and peered over the cliff - plenty of slumpling and plenty of sea. It was HIGH TIDE, that's ok, we were expecting that, we had a plan, go along the top and then along the beach. No problem, wandered along threatening old people with spears. Went down to the beach, got into the sea (a few of the kids) but it was a very HIGH TIDE and soon they were waist deep. Which is ok until the waves build up and they end up swimming...

Never did get to do the rest of the measuring - the tide didn't retreat enough to get to a section of the beach we needed.

Best thing about the day, talking to a senior teacher and telling her about the tide. She reassured me it would be fine tomorrow because Gareth is going. FINALLY someone who can command the waves.