
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 26 August 2002 13:29:00

I am one of the great washed at Greenbelt! I have had a shower and can safely say "IT WAS HOT!!!" Well it seems safe to me, but if an accident should befall me soon I may discover I was wrong.

As the great Farmer himself has tested the iMac (he may test things but he doesn't half reveal his ignorance of new technology) I figured I may as well post too.

Greenbelt is something I haven't been to for years and years, and happily it is in the town where I spent my student years. Such fond memories, except of course in reality the racecourse is where I spent many distressing hours doing my exams. Strange to be going to seminars in rooms I once sat for 3 stressful hours trying to remember all I knew (certainly don't still know) about things Geographical... see can't even remember module titles.

Well it appears that I am wittering about things not Greenbelt so I will stop now and maybe post some more when I am home and dry.