A message from Greenbelt

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 23 August 2003 17:53:16

Well, you see, we have a bit of time before we are meeting some people at the bar and the internet seemed like a bargainacious way of spending half and hour (£1 as opposed to $8 in Ithaca).

There is a rather amazing and fascinating creation here this year called 'Colourscape' it is a sculpture in colour. To describe it it seems like you are inside an giant bouncy castle type platform. The only problem is that on a hot day it is rather unbearable for too long (I found it so anyway) so I didn't experience it as much as I would have liked to.

Other than that it has been the usual socialising, eating, drinking, listening to speakers and trying to deal with the disgusting toilets on the campsite (thankfully in the racecourse itself they are fine - was that too much information?).

Anyway off to read a few more bits of the internet before my time is up.