It's official, I am no longer young

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 24 June 2007 23:18:55

Well, it may seem obvious to you lot but I had been kidding myself that I was still young. Yes, I may joke about being old, and some days feel really old, but deep down I think I thought I was still young.

Yesterday while at a conference with a bunch of strangers we were split into discussion groups - about 10 in each one. We did the usual, introduced ourselves etc and then got down to the serious subject of discussing the environment. One vicar expressed his disappointment at the lack of young people at the conference (don't worry, at this stage I was fine with that, I am, afterall, not 18 any more). However then he pointed at a couple in our group and said "Well, you're young of course" they shrugged, he said "I'm guessing twenties" and they kind of agreed with him. I sat there thinking, well, no, I'm not in my twenties, but actually, I'm not that far off them really. But not a second glance did I get. I don't like that vicar.

Actually, given I have been in teaching for 11 years now I am getting to the stage where I could be teaching the first children of my first pupils (they were early starters round there). In reality I'm not as I'm not in that area any more. It doesn't matter that I'm not though, it matters that I could be.