Dreams and Exams

Categories: uncategorized

Tags: cats, GCSEs

Date: 21 August 2008 23:37:33

I had a dream that my parents were looking after L & R's 2 Persian cats, dad was getting a bit fed up of them, strangely they were wearing knitted argyle jumpers - the cats, not my parents. When I told mum about it she wondered whether she had knitted them for the cats, she then offered to knit jumpers for my cats, I quickly suggested this may not be something they would appreciate.

It was a strange dream on many levels, firstly L & R live 193* miles away from my parents, secondly L & R have one black and white short haired cat (as far as I know), thirdly I have never seen a cat in a jumper in my life, why would it suddenly appear in my dream?

As you will know, GCSE results came out today (yes, yes, easier every year all they have to do to get an A or A* is write their name you know) anyway I looked online at 7.20 this morning, I only took a quick look as I was heading in to school to help with giving them out. Most people did well, a few tears, some of joy and some of disappointment. As for the boy who got Ds and Es in everything and was very down about it, sometimes people get the results which go with the amount of work they have put in, sometimes they are lucky. You got the results you 'worked' for. Still blaming everyone else of course.

*I didn't know this so looked it up on AA, actually it's 193.5 miles but I thought that was a bit sad.