
Categories: uncategorized

Tags: ill, petite anglaise

Date: 09 October 2008 23:41:53

I was just reading Petite Anglaise who is fab. Her daughter was examined by a doctor who was not ideal.

This reminded me that until I was 20 years old I assumed that doctors were meant to be horrible to you. When I was 20 I got tonsilitis very painfully (I've only had it the once - it probably always is that painful). I made my appointment with difficulty, I think the receptionist thought I was a hoax caller, and walked to the doctors with a friend for my appointment. When I went in the doctor was so nice to me he made me cry. He even offered to call my dad to let him know I wasn't fit to get the train home. I assured him - painfully - that my dad would come and get me.

Since that day I have realised it is possible to get doctors who are human, it just isn't always easy to do.