Gay marriage: legalised, then not...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 12 December 2013 07:31:37

I've seen two headlines in the past two or three days, one in India, one in Australia, about rulings to legalise gay marriage being suddenly overturned. Couples in Australia who got married last Saturday suddently find themselves "unmarried". I know homosexuality is a divisive issue, not least in my own church, the church of England (I do not agree with the church's stance). I personally (I have to say that, working in a Catholic school) do not see an issue with gay relationships or marriage. Many claim it causes issues for children to not have a man and a woman as a parent. Why? They have a loving family. There are enough children in this world who are abused and mistreated within nuclear family structures. There is no reason to say a "dysfunctional" (using the sociological term) family structure (so any family not involving a mother and a father, as opposed to a single parent, or a same-sex relationship) cannot work. In a world where there is so much hatred, so much anger, we need to open our arms and our hearts, be accepting of each other with all our differences, and to just start loving and caring. That is what this world needs, as cliched as it may be. It needs a massive, bone-crushing hug.