Some Poems

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 May 2010 14:15:51

I said I would publish some poetry on here, as its shorter! Here we go!

Why do they talk so much?
I don’t think I would ever have so much to say
Even to my closest friends

You just want to say
“Give your mouth a rest”
It wouldn’t work

If any of them are in here
Panicking come Thursday
As deadlines loom like sinister black mountains
Seemingly unconquerable
I will have to try to accommodate
While forcing myself away
From the temptation to do
The “Told-you-so” Dance!

I love helping
It is my purpose
My reason for being

Yet my wish to make
Things easier for others generally
Results in pain and annoyance.


My poor father

To please the woman he adores
He will do anything
Including dancing and parties
Which he hates

He will not bow
If he can save money
Leave him at home
With the horses

The dance floor is filling up
And he is on it.
This man is either desperate
Or single-mindedly
Brave and loyal.

There you go! Three poems! Either love them, think about them, or wipe your bottom on them! All constructive opinions are welcome, although poetry is very much in the eye of the beholder, like art in general.