Biscuits in the cupboard

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 10 May 2010 14:16:44

I keep biscuits in my stockcupboard. I used to call it a secret stash, but I know the kids do know where they are as they hear me telling the teaching assistants. I do eat some myself, as I don't tend to get my lunch until 2pm, and I have to be aware of my blood sugar levels. Hypoglycaemia is common in my family. Me, my mum and my second cousin Jane are three that I know of. Not a great excuse for eating biscuits, especially when you are the size I am (I'm big, although I've been at this school three years and the first person to comment on my weight has done so recently, so I suppose in terms of fat insults I've done better than at my last school. I am aware of what I eat, and I do go to the gym, a women's only gym, part of a chain called Gymophobics, which despite going, I am possibly the worst advert for. It is true though that since I've got my car, all the journeys where I walked, I now drive, most of the time. Cars are bad) but I'd rather do that than collapse on the floor. the teaching assistants like eating them, as I said. we used to allow the kids at afternoon homework club to have biscuits and squash that we provided, but then the Head told us we weren't allowed to do that any more.