Advent and Christmas

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Date: 28 December 2011 21:32:16

Giving presents, buying presents, having colds, open houses, christingle and crib services...there is one thing I realised, awful as it may seem for a Christian to admit, that one thing has been missing from this most special month. Jesus. God. I sat back and thought about this, but only two or three days before Christmas. I gave my presents, saw my friends, shared the love I feel for them and my family, made cards and pieces of jewellery to give, did my good turns by helping Maggs night shelter with some donations of food that I hope and pray were useful to them (or will be), and delivered services to children at our church which is always a challenge for me. If I had to comment on stepping outside my comfort zone, that would be it. One thing Christians should remember at this time is the preparation for the arrival of God's most precious gift. His Son. Christmas does not end on Christmas Day. It begins, and continues until the first Sunday is February when we celebrate Candlemas. I know that God was there in all my actions, but I should think more about keeping God in my head and my heart too. Christmas is special because friends and family spend time with you and give you gifts to me, this is incredibly important. I had handmade cards and gifts from friends, which will always have a special place in my heart. It is a time to help me remember how essential relationships are and how we must preserve the memories from these times always. Always.