And to finish...

Categories: 31-songs-in-may

Tags: morris dancing, John Tams, books

Date: 01 June 2003 01:32:48

May 31st: Rolling Home.

An appropriate one to finish on, and another one I always thought was traditional - I'd only heard it sung by this man for a long while, (which brings us back full circle, if you look at the photo links for the first of May) then I found out it was written by John Tams in 1987, for a play of 'Cider With Rosie'. This is another reason to include it today, because today was the first meeting of my book club, and we had to bring our top 5 books, I think number 6 on my list would have been Cider with Rosie. I love this song, it would probably make my top 5 songs, but songs are even more difficult to rate than books. Maybe I'll start a song club... maybe not.