Lent - day 26

Categories: christianity

Date: 26 March 2009 21:03:35


Languages: Russian, Tatar, Ukrainian, local languages

Decades of persecution under communist rule have left their mark on the very diverse people of this vast country but the Communists' threat to destroy Christianity and to parade the Soviet Union's last Christian on television did not come about. Instead the end of Communism heralded a massive increase in freedom of religion.  There are new churches springing up comprised of converts from other religions.

In recent years however there has been an increase in hostility against Christians and particularly against those who are not part of the Russian Orthodox Church. Some say that the situation for Protestants is worse than it was in communist times.  The converts from other religions suffer discrimination and persecution twice over -  from not being part of the established church and for being traitors to their former religion.