My new best friend - part 3

Categories: translation, trials

Date: 24 October 2008 16:13:48

Well, call me fickle if you like, but Georg is no longer my new best friend. He can just join the rank and file for the time being.

After all the excitement of the post below, the promise of a test translation and 10 days solid slog to get the job done, (and let me tell you, this is about as exciting as translation gets! Sad, I know...) he sent me an e-mail to tell me to cross my fingers (or press my thumbs as the literal translation of the German would be). I squashed and crossed all digits available.

Another client contacted me to ask if I could do a job for her. I said I'd let her know by 3 pm (as that is when I would hear from Georg). Georg contacted me to say that it was all off (harumph!) so I contacted the other client to graciously say I could do her job. Answer: she'd placed it elsewhere. (Double harumph.)

I finished off the Christmas decorations (see further below) and then found another mail in my tray from a complete stranger asking for some proofreading to be done this afternoon. A quick check to see if the company is legit* and I say I can do it. Still waiting to hear if they will take me up on my offer.

Funny that all this (non-) activity has been taking place in Hamburg. The rest of the German-speaking world has been pretty quiet in recent days.

*Another subject for another day