Losing the plot

Categories: life, translation

Date: 25 August 2008 15:17:20

Gentle reader, sometimes I fear for my sanity.

On Thursday last week I was looking forward to the Bank Holiday weekend. I was toying with the idea of inflicting myself on Greenbelt for a day or two, catching up on the housework and generally having some down time.

I was offered a couple of jobs. Rather than having the strength of mind to say, "Thank you kind client, but Monday is a holiday in little ole England" I found myself thinking "Ooh, that job is about chocolate. Jack the Lass (whom I hope to see on Saturday) would enjoy that a lot." So I accepted it.

And so it is that I am sitting at my desk today, confronted by three sorts of cocoa beans, unique packaging and sales promotion techniques.

This would be all well and good if I could go an indulge in a morsel of this sweet delicacy. But the great irony of all this is that I can't even eat the stuff!

I am seriously losing the plot.