Welcome, welcome

Categories: community, translation

Date: 11 August 2007 00:28:43

Oh my. After a thoroughly undeserved fanfare on Jackthelass's wiblog* announcing my arrival and oodles of welcoming messages on my own humble baby blog, I was so overwhelmed it took me a while to work out how to make my next entry!

Well, welcome one and all.

And now for a test to see how well the blog copes with diacritics**

Céad míle fáilte
Hos geldiniz

This list, gentle reader, is not exhaustive. Please do not feel unwelcomed if your language does not feature.

For those of you on the edges of your seats waiting for a story....well, it's probably best described as a shaggy dog story, long and rambling, many episodes of unadulterated wittering and long periods of trivia followed by bursts of nail-biting excitement and cliff-hanging moments and....with a bit of luck... a decent punchline (but hopefully not for quite a while yet). My life as it is lived. Welcome!


*I'm not sufficiently au fait with the technical features yet to work out how to do a link.
** These are the dots and accents and other paraphernalia which languages other than English tend to go in for to denote changes in vowel sounds and wotnot. English doesn't bother on the whole. We just have wonderful collections of weird and wonderful spellings to show how exotic our language is. And to confuse everyone. Except writers of dictionaries.