
Categories: culture, translation

Date: 20 October 2008 21:12:13

Well, that's that done! Pheeeeeeeewww. It was a bit of a slog at times but now that it's over I feel as free as a bird! Wheeeeeee!!

Having mailed my offering off to Amsterdam, I went in search of fresh air, companionship and a cuppa. I dropped in on Marie-France who supplied the requisite cuppa and conversation in Freutsch - a mixture of French and German. Her French is of course perfect; mine gets a bit mashed up when occasionally a word eludes me and comes out in German.

I bumped into my neighbour, H, in the street on my way home. She invited me in for a chat and cake. I learned that she is in the process of setting up her own cake-making business and having sampled a coffee-flavoured cup cake I think it should be very successful. H had a kitchen full of cup cakes which she had not been able to sell today and was wondering where she could give them away to. I said I knew that some Buddhist friends of mine had their prayer meeting on Mondays, so she packed up a colourful box and sent me off to bless the Buddhists. H wondered if cake would be acceptable.. might something with lentils be more appropriate? (!); I felt that where cake was concerned Buddhists would be as worldly as the next man.

I was right. I arrived just as the meeting was about to begin - and delayed the start as they all exclaimed over the delights in the box. It was tempting, dear reader, to take the credit, but I managed to resist! (Polishes halo.)

On my arrival home, I found an email waiting for me asking me to do a translation from French. It's short, it doesn't look too hard (famous last words) and, boosted by Marie-France having complimented me on my accent (which I should point out is absolutely NO indication of ability), I think I will take the job on. (I shall of course ensure that my efforts are proofread....)

A change is, as they say, as good as a rest.

* A fabulous German word meaning multi-cultural - and one which always makes me smile :-)