I missed two off the list

Categories: books

Date: 19 April 2010 10:28:55

Two more books I read between Jan 1st and April 1st - neither of which fit the WCiT criterion:

Peril at End House - Agatha Christie. Poirot solving mysteries in Cornwall and drawing the correct conclusion using his little grey cells. His side-kick Captain Hastings was also there - hindering the investigation as usual. I wonder what Mrs Hastings thinks about his long absences from home? They are never work related - unless amateur sleuthing is his job.  I was fascinated by the cover of this book: it does not say when the oeuvre was published but judging from the advert (advert!!) on the back cover it must have been in the 1950s. For there is a black and white photo of a bride and a lurid green slogan saying "Happy is the Bride with a Bravington Ring" (unnecessary use of capitals in my view...). Depicted are 6 wedding rings ranging in price from £3.17.06 and a mighty £10.0.0  (that's pounds, shillings and pence, in case you were born after 1971) with the amazing statement "Orders by post sent of 7 days approval. Cash refunded if not satisfied." I can't imagine buying a wedding ring based on a drawing.

Ad is not unlike this one in style. Bravingtons is still trading.[I hope that linky thing has worked - it's my first attempt ever!]

The other book I missed off the list was bought at the local LitFest after hearing the author speak on the subject:

The File - Timothy Garton Ash.  Garton Ash went to live in East Berlin in 1978 to research for his PhD. The Stasi kept a file on him - his code name was Romeo.  He decided to track down the people who had informed on him and those he was friends with - and considers the differences between history and memory; the version of his life as documented by the Stasi and the version documented in his own diary.