Ofsted day three....

Categories: books, general-stuff

Tags: Dr Sylver, Dr Sylver and the Tapestry of Time

Date: 13 May 2009 07:24:47

OK so today is day three of the week long college dentistry. Dodged a bullet yesterday as someone did come to observe a class I was leading but, for some reason, the message had not been communicated onwards that ours was an exam class and because of that the observer left which, at the time I was strangely disappointed about. They're an excellent bunch of kiddies and we often have brilliant lessons. Ah well... Afterwards was relieved but hey ho. Today am teaching ICT all day and it's computer games design so that'll be fine if someone comes to watch.

Diff subject: Sylver 3. Oh boy has this been at the whit and whim of life in general. We're now on the final stretch but I feel like I've been saying that for yonks... Two changed have been agreed, and they do make the final piece stronger, but the time to do so.. That's the trickier thing. We're not talking intricate surgery here, both changes are fairly self contained, but... Ah well. Onwards again.

Inspired by the excellent Phil Groom I've done a wordle of the first paragraph of Sylver 3. Have seen the images about but never known what web page was responsible for making them. Here it is, shame I can't do the whole book like it!
