It's good to screen share... (again :) )

Categories: artwork

Tags: stylus sock, Sony Vaio Duo 11, Dagi stylus, PC World Guildford, Screen Sharing, MS Paint, MS Fresh Paint, Lenovo laptop

Date: 21 February 2014 21:37:52

Today has been very long and fairly extraordinary. More to come on it but it started with the very lovely sight of a range of special education needs children, including a few in wheelchairs, dancing. Then had a short pause to buy aerospace grade resin and chat about the coolest possible Kickstarter and ended with watching Dr Who with the family over a Heston ready meal.

In between that - forty minutes of screen sharing in Guildford PC World...

Ironically both laptops cost £499 (although the Sony Vaio 11 is the last one in stock and heavily reduced)... I think it's possible the Sony sliders are my favourite machines (possibly although it has the additional help that they were the machines we used primarily at the Gadget Show Live) and I never tire of drawing on them. Sad to think that when this ones gone I won't draw on one again :(

Anyhow, more on today later. Screen Sharing was just the easy part to blog about...