Craft sale. Like a yard sale but shorter by a few inches....

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 24 November 2004 17:04:50

OK so wifey does loads of craft stuff (but still, annoyingly, wouldn't classify herself as an artist...) and every year we do a craft sale selling bits and bobs. Tonights was very pleasant because we got to see a few old friends unseen of for a while. That and Ju sold a fair bit of stuff (at barg prices natch.. so we're only talking curry money - I wish - here...) And I sold two books. Nice.

anyhow wifeys best piece of craft this year are the penquins, some of whom are pictured here.. Thought I'd give them their moment of blog glory... so I present the class of 2004....

...shortly before they were split up and sold for ornamental uses.

Currently listening to: U2 again. Am looking forward to hearing the latest cd... Currently playing: The waiting game....