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Date: 16 December 2004 14:43:34

Prepare thyself for a flurry of tangents.. A veritable snowstorm of sideline comments and an avalanche of anecdotal incidentals.. I've now been up for almost 12 hours straight and any last prideful vestiges of self censorship of my over-prosaic blah goes out of the window. I may come to regret this but I have to keep myself awake to do the school run in 30 minutes time...

Anyhow.. Alphabetically listed tangents for your easy reading pleasure...

a: Been working at the Post Office sorting Christmas mail. It's weird really. By night I'm planning for two newspaper articles (more on that later, but I'm smiling at some of the things that have come up organising this), plus three radio slots to come as well. I could be less busy. In between all of that I'm organising the worldwide buy out of one of my images (nice, not a huge earner but nice to be asked), a website/forum thing which would see me helping in the arts area (yay. More on THAT later as well...) and all sorts of all sorts. I've also been asked to review books for a Christian magazine and again, this all adds to the inbox.

All of this coupled with the fact that I start at the PO at 6am and finish at 2pm has not lent itself to me being particularly rested this Christmas. But it's been fun at times.. And between this and wifeys supply teaching things are calm on the finance dept for a while...

b: Wifey passed her driving test! Yay. At the tender age of.. ahem.. slightly older than I :P She's passed on the third test, although the general concensus was taht she should've passed second time and was hugely hard done by. Regardless it's fun having the increased sense of freedom and the kids are enjoying it as well...

c: Finished the piece of work for the Diocese dude. Shall post the image later. Has been well recieved within the communications dept. which is nice.

d: Hmm sure there was something else.. Ah well. You've suffered enough time to give your eyes a rest methinks. If they come back before the next time we chat enjoyed meeting James last night for a prelim chat on the website stuff (more on that later) and really looking forward to chatting to Simon soon about one of the papers stuff (more on that soon.. :) Oooh I'm a great big tease.. but times a tickin' and I don't want to have to run to daughters school..)

Currently listening to: Nicki Rogers: Feeder Lane. The Jury is out on this, mainly because I loved Colour Scheme very much indeed and so far FL hasnt hit me as much (although there are some cracking tracks and I'm only on my 3rd listen so we'll see....) Currently watching: The vision of my free time dissipating like a snowball in a heatwave.