Gut Punched.

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 10 January 2005 10:22:23

Thats a bit of a gross title.. But the only way I can describe it...

Did sunday school (or 7th Dimension as we call it) and all seemed to be fine and cheerful. Lots of chat, playing around etc. Very pleasant.

Then one of the church wardens comes up and says are we coming back to the service... Ok we say, not a prob and slowly wander back, because we assume its a shared communion service. It isn't. Our vicar announces that after 16 years with us he and his wife are leaving at Easter to lead a church on the south coast.

Shocked isn't the word. Actually its one of the words I could use. Upset is another. But zombiefied would be a closer word... For a couple of reasons. One is that I was trying to cajole a small kid back into the service rather than play around outside so I missed the announcement. I came in and asked what was up. Wifey just said 'they're leaving at Easter'.

But it's such a weird feeling. The vicar in question has been there the entirity of my church life, has been amazing and helpful... He's been hugely formative in terms of me becoming a Christian, then a youth group assistant, then a leader, then (allegedly) a writer... To see him go is going to be amazinlgy emotional. For some reason I thought he'd be at our Church forever, or at least as far as I've planned ahead :)

I know this sounds like I'm treating it as a bereavement. I know it's not, that the world turns, that people come and go, enlarging our view of the world and its contents.. But atm I'm just a little shocked and stunned. We're going to have to go it some to get someone as good, but I guess we can't hoard the riches for ourselves forever.

Currently listening to: U2: Pop. Currently playing: Outrun 2. Such an incredibly beautiful game. Amazing environment and texture work.