
Categories: artwork

Tags: #ManyWindows, Collaborative art

Date: 07 March 2013 23:30:29

I waffle on. I really do. If you'd like to read the novelisation of this blog post please do click here.

Hallo! I'm Paul :) a youth arts worker, college teacher, special and complex needs art advocate and more.

I have a plan and it will see tens of thousands of people drawing on tablet and computer at the Gadget Show Live. It's VERY exciting.

But, to kick us off properly. I would love it if YOU could draw part of the picture that will begin each day and hopefully encourage as many people as possible to join in...

It doesn't matter if you think you can't draw. The final, collaborative, picture we make will make you smile. Please do contribute.

This is how to join in:

Step 1: using a dark coloured pen draw a window, a door, a brick with your first name in it and something you might see on the outside of a house or mansion.

((This is the only guidance I'll give: make it cool, quirky, odd, personal to you, detailed, simplified - whatever you want. This is your door/window/etc and it will join others. #ManyOthers)). 

Step 2: photograph the drawings, either separately or together, in as well lit/ unshadowed a manner as you can.

((Unless you've drawn them on tablet or computer, in which case share them as is!))

Step 3: tweet me the picture using the hash tag #ManyWindows.

That simple! And it will look amazing, the final piece. I'd love it if you can take part...